Thursday, September 19, 2002

I. Tenere
Pellucid chariot extracted
from ignoble gardens;
Rats consecrated equine.
Origins of streets you've crost,
Cannot be held against
The pristine creature descending;
Who after all, flees barefoot from your construct.

II. Occulte
Sister, cleanse yourself in earth & cinders;
I will envelop you dryadic in ash,
Conceal you in stone,
or else divinate a well
too deep for shallow lusts.
Somewhere there is willing
A man to split stone & wood
In search of God.

III. Vox
Drawn dripping from womb
Swathed in a chrysalis of satin
How cold the exposition of his mouth
Against embryonic flesh.
Alternating Current
Lambent in wire & glass
the arrival of artifice;
No schism of nature
could birth pretense
of this nature.

God wept surely,
At the unmaking
Of your image.

Tonguing fictive ideals
& stock panegyrics
on dulcet lips.
Your court of Maenads
will serve your corse
As Orpheus.

Splintered as statuary,
Marble veined with violence,
A swallow or else nightingale
Recalls enough of possibility
To bleed life back into thee.
coalesced in a droplet of ice
an incident of glass for sand
to mimic soil in the desperate press
of frost to molten panes of stasis
Half-utterances rippled,
phrasing effaced in sandcastles
& the relentless movement of sea gulls
I turned to the sea as once to you;
it splayed agape at my nakedness
& crumbling monuments of conceit
(for that is all we shared)
you gave it voice in susurrations of shell
& knew the reason for sandcastles